Reuben Flagg
- Poppo Toys "Evil Corpse Fighter" head
- Elite Force Caucasian Body Builder
- Elite Force gloves
- Boots (Dragon?)
- Cy Girls gun, belt and holster set
- Blue bodysuit
- Matilda jacket (21st Century)
- Resevoir Dogs shirt and tie
- Decoration printout
- Photo Silk for inkjet printers
- Superglue
- Matte clearcoat
- Black, flesh, white, and blue paint
Paint boots red and gloves white. Paint hair black, skin flesh, and nice
blue eyes. Glue head to body. Cut and sew Matilda jacket to waist length.
Dress figure accordingly. Print out belt buckle and jacket decoration
on photo silk paper. Cut and stick to jacket and belt. Raul coming soon....