KAP has surcome to the Dark Side
of the Force. Although his long time friend JB has sensed this change,
the events leading up to it is unknown to him. Both Jedi learned
the ways of the Force under separate masters, but have had many
lessons and learning experiences together. They share a special
bond not only due to these experiences, but also due to their origins.
Not only are they from Stoughtonia, but they are from the same settlement,
plus they are the same age. Through this special bond, they both
can sense the other over extreme distances when either experiences
intense emotions or pain. Now JB can sense that KAP now burns with
the Dark Side. JB dispatches immediately, letting their bond,
and the Force, guide him to KAP, in order to try and revert him
back to the Light side...
Traveling in his
modified transport, The Elsenor, JB tracks down KAP to the
remote world of Mattazard. But KAP is very much aware of
JB's arrival, and has planned for this moment. He is ready to confront
his old friend, to either bring him over to the Dark Side
with him, or destroy him.
Immediately upon
setting down in a clearing, JB can sense the dark presence of KAP,
but is unable to pinpoint his exact whereabouts. It was as if KAP
was all around him. The planet teemed with life, but no sentient
life inhabited it. KAP is a Jedi well know for his unique ability
to understand cultures and new races through the combination of
their communications (be that speech or artwork) and their architecture
and building techniques. This has help him become famous for diplomatic
missions to not only settle disputes, but also in the rare occasion
of first contact with new races. Of course with such abilities,
it also has made him an expert in espionage missions, with the combination
of his non-Jedi ability with understanding technologies and computer
systems. Due to KAP's prominent Jedi trait, JB dismissed it being
his doing; it had to be something else.
JB is one of the
few Jedi that is in-tune with how nature interacts with the Force.
Through the Force, he can easily understand how different organisms
interact with each other, what they eat, how they reproduce, and
in some cases with semi-sentient species, what they think. With
this ability, JB has become one of the leading scientific minds
for not only the Jedi, but for the Republic. For nearly every
new settlement and settlement expansion, he is usually the one who
examines that locals wildlife, and can determine quickly if the
construction will disrupt the ecological balance in that particular
ecosystem. But as well, JB can use the Force that is emitted by
these organisms to help energize himself and expand his senses,
which is a great help in battles.
But given this ability,
why cannot JB track down KAP's exact position? With the ability
to read what organisms can see and sense, this should be quick.
Suddenly, JB remembers what his former master, Kraus Beal-Adi, had
once said. "All Jedi have the ability to sense the Force in all
ways." She said in her stereo Ithorian voice. "It all depends
on their concentration and discipline. Though all Jedi have a prominent
trait that they are strong in, we all have the ability in us to
learn all features of the Force. Of course, those who stray to the
Dark Side, can learn these traits through its tainted and
seductive powers." Now JB knows that KAP has picked up this ability
to mask his presence with the area wildlife. As JB turns around,
KAP is approaching from the woods.

"About time you figured it out" KAP said. "I thought
you may have gotten a little soft."
"Lead me here to show me this new ability of yours?"
JB commented.
"Ha! We could have lead you anywhere, or even come
to you! But we came here so I could have your complete attention."
Suddenly KAP disappeared.
JB could no longer sense him. Behind JB came the distinct snap-hiss
sound of an igniting lightsaber. KAP had used a high tech hologram
to trick him! Quickly JB turned around, igniting his own green blade
just in time to block a number of quick swipes. Backing off, JB
notices that KAP has constructed himself a new lightsaber, a blue
bladed weapon.

"Very impressive!"
KAP commented. "You always were good defending yourself, but now
try this!" KAP uses the Force to pull a second hidden lightsaber
from the woods. It was an identical saber to the one he already
was wielding. Indeed KAP has become very powerful, as JB feared.

The two old friends
engage in a deadly battle. JB barely is able to defend the assault,
even though he has opened himself up to the Force powers from all
the surrounding organisms. But he wonders, how did KAP surcome to
the Dark Side, and what does he mean by "we"? Would he be
able to survive long enough to find out, or would he be left no
other choice but to defeat his old friend? Or is there another motive
behind this all this?