- Mace Windu legs and skirt
- Obi-Wan Naboo body and arms
- Qui-gon Naboo cloak
- Animal head (Godzilla)
- Bottom half of Adi Gallia saber (x 2)
- Top half of Ki-Adi Mundi saber (x 2)
- Purple saber blades (x 2)
- Base to interrigation droid that comes with commtech Vader
- Matte clearcoat
- Forrest green, mosaic green, brown, gold, flesh, silver, red,
black, and white paint
This figure is made to my best interpretation of
Corran as discribed in the New Jedi Order novels. Attach mace legs
and "skirt" to the obi want body and arms, and the animal head.
Paint up figure as seen (forest green is the darker green). Paint
cloak and slip over arms to "attach". Seal all with matte varnish.
Now make sabers. Since Corran has a dual phasic saber, he has two
different length blades to make. Cut Ki-Adi's saber, using the top
half, and detach one blade off one end. Now attach these top halfs
of the hilt to the bottom half of the Adi Gallia hilts. Make sure
that when attached the are straight. Line up the tip of the purple
blade that is still attached to the hilt with the lower half of
the purple blade that you have detached. Cut at an angle, the attached
tip and the bottom of the detached, together. This makes it easier
to make sure the line up in a straight line, and glue together.
Now trim the base part from the interrigator droid, rounding one
end. Glue to the hilt that doesn't have the blade still attached,
again making sure that they line up straight. I sanded the end smooth,
and the length slightly. Then paint it with silver, and rubbed most
of it off, just leaving a hint of silver left. Make one of the dots
on both sabers red, seal with matte varnish on the hilts only, and
how you are ready to take on some Yuuzhan Vong!!!!
