Red Leader's R5 Unit |

- E1 R2-D2
- Vintage R5-D4 head and "collar"
- Plastic
- Plastic Q-Tips
- Small wire
- Superglue
- Matte clearcoat
- Red, black, white, and silver paint
Rather easy as far as assembly, painting is a bit
tricky though. Since you
never see anything but the head in A New Hope, the body is left
up to your
creative imagination. Unscrew vintage R5-D4 head, and trim down
the collar
section. Remove the head off a Episode 1 R2-D2, and glue the collar
onto the
body. Paint head and body as seen. Cut 3 thin slices of tube from
a plastic
q-tip, and glue onto head for the eyes. Then cut thin slices of
small wire
and attach to area on head above and below the eyes. Paint both
silver, with
the middle of the eyes black. Glue the head onto the body, and then
with a matte clearcoat. Now you can send out Red Leader to get blown
up over
the Death Star.

© 2001 Keith A. Paquette