Danz Borin |

- Nabrun Leids body
- Sky Patol Robocop helmut
- Tarkin head
- AT-ST Driver gloves
- Sculpey
- Superglue
- Strip of thin plastic
- matte clearcoat
- White and black paint
Cut or boil-n-pop small arms from Nabrun Leids body,
cut off larger hands too. Fill in small arm holes with Sculpey and
cure. Now glue on AT-ST Driver gloves and paint body white with
black sides, gloves and boots. Now comes the difficult part, cutting
down the Robocop helmut. This is toughest part, so I can't really
explain it. After you get the shape of the helmut the way you want
it, glue the Tarkin head to the top inside. Take a thin piece of
plastic and glue to the bottom, cut away the over-hang. Paint helmut
white and black and glue to neck collar or body.
© 2001 Keith A. Paquette