Commander Silver Fyre |

- Slave Leia body
- Shakka arms (Watto's Box Cinema Scene)
- Princess Allura head (Voltron)
- Sculpey
- Thin cotton fabric
- Silver string
- Superglue
- Matte clearcoat
- Black, red, flesh, white, yellow, and silver paint
Boil and pop off Leia's arms and head. Do the same
to get Allura head and Shakka arms. Trim the pegs and pop in head
and limbs. Cut out Leia's loin cloth. Sculpey over shoes to make
boots. Sculpey over bikini top to make the halter top. Cure Sculpey.
Paint boots white. Paint legs, gloves, and halter black. Use flesh
paint to match head and body skin color. Paint silver dot in the
middle of the chest. Paint the gold lines on the hips silver. Paint
yellow designs on the side of each leg (note: you may have to paint
white first then yellow).Brush on one layer of matte clearcoat.
Cut cotton fabric for new loin cloths and paint red. Make folds
and bend the top edge of the cloth in a 90 degree angle and superglue
in the gap left by the Slave Leia loin cloth. Take the silver string
and make loop for necklace.
This character is from the original Marvel Comics
Star Wars series. She was a former smuggling colleague of Han and
Chewy's. She went on to become the leader of the Aquarius Freeholders,
one of the largest mercenary gangs in the galaxy. After the Battle
of Yavin she joined the Alliance. (source: Star Wars Encyclopedia)
© 2001 Keith A. Paquette